Apa bedanya "borrow" dan "lend"?
Mari bersama-sama menyimak video berikut ini:
Monday, June 22, 2015
Monday, June 8, 2015
Kosakata: People on the Street (Orang-orang di Jalanan)
Saatnya menambah kosakata baru lagi. Kali ini, saya akan share tentang People on the Street (Orang-orang di Jalanan). Ini dia:
- street children: anak jalanan
- beggar: pengemis
- peddler: pedagang keliling
- rambler: pengembara
- scavenger: pemulung
- street singer: pengamen
- street vendor: pedagang kaki lima
- tramp: gelandangan
- vagabond: pengembara, gelandangan
- vagrant: tunawisma, gelandangan
- wayfarer: pengelana
There are some street
children ask money to the riders and drivers who stop on the traffic light.
Ada beberapa anak jalanan minta uang kepada
pengendara dan sopir yang berhenti di lampu merah.
The beggar is eating
under the tree.
Pengemis itu sedang makan di bawah pohon.
Street singer can sing
many songs.
Pengamen bisa menyanyikan banyak lagu.
Can you describe about
Bisakah kamu menggambarkan tentang pedagang
Sudah makin PD, dong.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Reading: Simple Past Tense
Hello everybody …
Sudah makin PD dengan
bahasa Inggris Anda? Semoga makin PD, yachh.
What? Belum belum PD?
It’s no problem. Kali ini,
saya akan kasih tambahan materi agar bahasa Inggris Anda makin bagus, yaitu:
materi reading. Bacaan ini saya kutip dari buku Practice and Progress karangan
L.G. Alexander. Judul bacaannya adalah A private conversation.
Check this out!
A Private Conversation
Last week I went to the
theater. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy
it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking
loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked
at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. I n the end,
I could not bear it. I turned round again.’ I can’t hear a word!’ I said
angrily. `It’s none of your business,’ the young man said rudely. ’This is a
private conversation!’
Coba tebak! Apa jenis
tenses untuk bacaan di atas?
Coba tebak!
Belum ketemu?
Coba cek dari kata kerja
yang muncul dalam bacaan. Kata kerja yang muncul seperti: went, had, was, were,
got, dan lain-lain.
Itu verb apa?
Iya verb past atau sering
kita kenal dengan V2.
Sudah tahu jenis
Iya. Benar. Simple Past
Sekarang coba jawab
pertanyaan di bawah ini ya!
Where did the writer go last week?
Did he enjoy the play or not?
Who was sitting behind him?
Were the talking loudly or were they were talking quietly?
Could the writer hear the actors or not?
Di he turn round or not?
What did he say?
Did the young man say, “The play is not interesting.” Or did
he say, “This is a private conversation!”?
OK. Kerjakan soal di atas ya!
Semoga makin pinter.
See you next time.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Kosakata: Else (yang lain)
Hi, ... hi, ... hi, ...
Senang bisa menyapa teman-teman yang sedang ingin memahirkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris di blog ini.
Kali ini, saya akan berbagai tentang "else". Pasti teman-teman pernah ketemu kata "else" dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris. Contohnya: anybody else, anything else, what else, when else, dan sebagainya.
Langsung saja yacchhh.
Senang bisa menyapa teman-teman yang sedang ingin memahirkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris di blog ini.
Kali ini, saya akan berbagai tentang "else". Pasti teman-teman pernah ketemu kata "else" dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris. Contohnya: anybody else, anything else, what else, when else, dan sebagainya.
Langsung saja yacchhh.
- anything else: barang lain apa saja
- anybody else: siapa saja lainnya
- anyone else: siapa saja lainnya
- somewhere else: beberapa tempat lainnya
- whose else: milik siapa saja lainnya
- who else's: milik siapa saja lainnya
- anybody else's: milik siapa saja lainnya
- anyone else's: milik siapa saja lainnya
- somebody else's hat: topi seseorang lainnya
- someone else's hat: topi seseorang lainnya
- when else: kapan lagi
Monday, June 1, 2015
Ekspresi: Menanyakan Tempat atau Arah
Hello friends, ...
Nice to greet you anymore on my blog.
Kali ini, saya ingin share tentang menanyakan tempat atau arah. Kita lebih sering mendengarnya "Asking Place and Direction" dalam bahasa Inggris.
Langsung saja biar cepat #MauMahirBerbahasaInggris.
Untuk menanyakan tempat, ada beberapa ungkapan yang bisa digunakan, antara lain:
Artinya kurang lebih, "Bersediakah Anda memberi tahu saya jalan ke ..."
Jangan lupa practice it.
Nice to greet you anymore on my blog.
Kali ini, saya ingin share tentang menanyakan tempat atau arah. Kita lebih sering mendengarnya "Asking Place and Direction" dalam bahasa Inggris.
Langsung saja biar cepat #MauMahirBerbahasaInggris.
Untuk menanyakan tempat, ada beberapa ungkapan yang bisa digunakan, antara lain:
- Excuse me. Would you tell me where ...
- Excuse me. Could you tell me where ...
- Excuse me. Would you mind telling me where ...
- Excuse me. Would you tell me where the nearest mosque is?
- Excuse me. Could you tell me where Mbak Mul Restaurant is?
- Excuse me. Would you mind telling me where ATM centre is?
- Will you tell me where ...
- Can you tell me where ...
- Will you tell me where the hospital is?
- Can you tell me where the post office is?
- Do you know where ...
- Do you know where the nearest bank?
- Would you tell me the way to ...
- Could you tell me the way to ...
- Would you mind telling me the way to ...
Artinya kurang lebih, "Bersediakah Anda memberi tahu saya jalan ke ..."
- Would you tell me the way to Sukoharjo Regency Office?
- Could you tell me the way to Hartono Mall?
- Would you mind telling me the way to Solo Balapan Railway Station?
- How could I get to ...
- How can I get to ...
- How could I get Kedung Ombo Dam?
- How can I get Alfa Mart?
- Is this the way to ...
- Is this the way to Sumber Lawang Market?
Jangan lupa practice it.
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