Saturday, July 9, 2011

Idiom: save the day

save the day

Meaning: If you save the day, you do something to ensure success or to solve a serious problem.
For example:
  • It looked like we were going to lose the game, but Ronaldo saved the day by kicking two late goals.
  • Then a guy rides in on a white horse and saves the day by killing the bad guys and rescuing the girl.


Thank you so much,
Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Idiom: set the world on fire

set the world on fire 
Meaning: If you set the world on fire, you do something that creates a lot of excitment and makes you famous.
For example:
  • Bob Marley took Jamaican reggae music and set the world on fire with it.
  • Our drama group's first production didn't exactly set the world on fire, but we learnt a lot while doing it.
Note: This idiom is often used in the negative, as in "he didn't set the world on fire with..." 

Thank you so much, 
Your English Teacher, 

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Article of the Day
Metode Bahasa Inggris 468 x 60