Sunday, November 16, 2014


Gerund adalah kata kerja yang berbentuk -ing yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda.
Contohnya: jogging, swimming, cooking, hunting, chatting, reading, dan lain-lain.

Pemakain gerund, sebagai berikut:
  • Sebagai subjek untuk kata kerja
  1. Jogging makes our body healthy.
  2. Swimming is my hobby.
  • Sebagai objek untuk kata kerja
  1. Galang likes swimming.
  2. I enjoy hunting.
  • Sebagai pelengkap
  1. My hobby is reading.
  2. My favorite pastime is singing.
  • Sebagai objek untuk preposisi
  1. He gives up smoking.
  2. They went on arguing.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Men Shirt

Men Shirt: Men Shirt by Salt n Pepper. Men shirt made from cotton with brown color, short sleeves, front pocket and abstract motif print all over this brown shirt. Casual shirt that can go well with jeans, or a chino, complete your casual style within this brown shirt.

Find this cool stuff here:

Thank you so much,Your English Teacher,Darwoto, S.Pd.

Relative Pronoun

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Relative Pronoun sering disebut dengan Kata Ganti Penghubung. Istilah lain dari Relative Pronoun adalah Conjunctive Pronoun.

  • who, digunakan untuk menerangkan orang, yang berfungsi sebagai subjek.
  1. The girl who always plays in front of my house is very beautiful.
  2. The man who was here yesterday has gone to Sukoharjo.
  3. The man who came yesterday is my English teacher.
  • which, digunakan untuk menerangkan benda, hewan, atau tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan sebagainya.
  1. The ground which we dig will bear a fine crop.
  2. This is the ball which I kicked yesterday afternoon.
  3. The flower which she bought is rose.
  • whom, digunakan untuk menerangkan orang, tetapi sebagai objek.
  1. He is a motivator whom I admire.
  2. That is the woman whom I saw yesterday.
  3. He is a man whom I know can trust.
  • whose, digunakan untuk menyatakan kepemilikan.
  1. The woman whose husband died yesterday is my aunt.
  2. That is the girl whose older sister lives in Bali.
  3. He is the writer whose book I am reading.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mau Kuliah ke Luar Negeri

Kuliah di kampus luar negeri menjadi dambaan bagi beberapa orang.
Namun, kadang mereka kesulitan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang jelas dan lengkap.
Kini, Anda tidak perlu bingung. Kami menemukan panduan lengkap yang berjudul "JURUS KULIAH ke LUAR NEGERI". Lihat

Kalimat Tanya UN: Menanyakan Ide Pokok

Memahami kalimat tanya sangat membantu untuk menemukan jawaban. Kadang kata, frase, atau kalimat dalam pilihan jawaban/pilihan ganda mu 
  1. What is the text about?
  2. What is the information about?
  3. What is the table about?
  4. This letter is about ....
  5. What does the table show?
  6. What is being described in the text above?
  7. What's the goal of the text?
  8. What is the main idea of the text?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November is coming

Hi, friends.
Apa Anda ketahui tentang bulan November?
Coba jelaskan pakai bahasa Inggris!
  1. November is the eleventh month in a year.
  2. There is the Heroic Day in November.
  3. November is after October.
  4. There are thirty days in November.
  5. Teacher's Day is in November.
  6. I was born in November.
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. ...
Ayo berlatih!

Article of the Day
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