Friday, November 14, 2014

Relative Pronoun

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Relative Pronoun sering disebut dengan Kata Ganti Penghubung. Istilah lain dari Relative Pronoun adalah Conjunctive Pronoun.

  • who, digunakan untuk menerangkan orang, yang berfungsi sebagai subjek.
  1. The girl who always plays in front of my house is very beautiful.
  2. The man who was here yesterday has gone to Sukoharjo.
  3. The man who came yesterday is my English teacher.
  • which, digunakan untuk menerangkan benda, hewan, atau tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan sebagainya.
  1. The ground which we dig will bear a fine crop.
  2. This is the ball which I kicked yesterday afternoon.
  3. The flower which she bought is rose.
  • whom, digunakan untuk menerangkan orang, tetapi sebagai objek.
  1. He is a motivator whom I admire.
  2. That is the woman whom I saw yesterday.
  3. He is a man whom I know can trust.
  • whose, digunakan untuk menyatakan kepemilikan.
  1. The woman whose husband died yesterday is my aunt.
  2. That is the girl whose older sister lives in Bali.
  3. He is the writer whose book I am reading.

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