Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Comparative Degree

Dear all,

I am happier than you.
Aku lebih senang daripada kamu.

He is taller than his father.
Dia (lk.) lebih tinggi daripada ayahnya.

Train is faster than bus.
Kereta api lebih cepat daripada bus.

Motorcycle is cheaper than car.
Sepeda motor lebih murah daripada mobil.

Mother is more beautiful than grandmother.
Ibu lebih cantik daripada nenek.

My teacher is more responsible than your uncle.
Guruku lebih bertanggung jawab daripada pamanmu.

Watching movie is more interesting than watching television.
Menonton bioskop lebih menarik daripada menonton televisi.

Mathematics is more difficult than English.
Matematika lebih sulit daripada Bahasa Inggris.

Thank you so much,
Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

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