Monday, February 28, 2011

A / An

Bentuk "a" digunakan sebelum kata yang berawalan dengan huruf konsonan, atau kata yang berawalan huruf konsonan dengan suara vokal.

a man
a hat
a visa
a university
a European

Bentuk "an" digunakan sebelum kata yang berawalan dengan huruf vokal (a, e, i, o, u), atau kata yang berawalan dengan huruf "h".

an apple
an egg
an island
an onion
an uncle
an ice-cream
an hour

Thank you so much,
Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Superlative Degree

Dear all,

Write the superlative degree with the form likes below.

S + be (is, am, are, was, were) + (the + adjective + -er)/(the most + adjective) + (of all)/(of all + N).


I am the happiest of all.
Aku adalah yang paling senang dari semuanya.

You are the smartest of all students.
Kamu adalah yang paling cerdas dari semua siswa.

Your father is the oldest of all men.
Ayahmu adalah yang paling tua dari semua laki-laki.

Julia Perez is the most beautiful of all actress.
Julia Perez adalah yang paling cantik dari semua aktris.

S + be (is, am, are, was, were) + (the + adjective + -er)/(the most + adjective) + N + Adverb of Place (especially in + place).

He is the most handsome boy in this village.
Dia (laki-laki) adalah laki-laki yang paling tampan di desa ini.

Elephant is the biggest animal in this zoo.
Gajah adalah binatang terbesar di kebun binatang ini.

Mr. Darwoto is the most responsible teacher in this school.
Pak Darwoto adalah guru yang paling bertang tanggung jawab di sekolah ini.

Thank you so much,
Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Comparative Degree

Dear all,

I am happier than you.
Aku lebih senang daripada kamu.

He is taller than his father.
Dia (lk.) lebih tinggi daripada ayahnya.

Train is faster than bus.
Kereta api lebih cepat daripada bus.

Motorcycle is cheaper than car.
Sepeda motor lebih murah daripada mobil.

Mother is more beautiful than grandmother.
Ibu lebih cantik daripada nenek.

My teacher is more responsible than your uncle.
Guruku lebih bertanggung jawab daripada pamanmu.

Watching movie is more interesting than watching television.
Menonton bioskop lebih menarik daripada menonton televisi.

Mathematics is more difficult than English.
Matematika lebih sulit daripada Bahasa Inggris.

Thank you so much,
Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Positive Degree

Dear all,

I am as happy as you.
Saya sama senangnya dengan kamu.

You are as tall as me.
Kamu setinggi aku.

She is as crazy as Lina.
Dia (pr.) sama gilanya dengan Lina.

They are not as lazy as Bima.
Mereka tak semalas Bima.

We are not as busy as father.
Kami tak sesibuk ayah.

Mechanic is not discipline as boss.
Mekanik tak sedisiplin bos.

Is he as handsome as your friend?
Apakah dia (lk.) setampan temanmu?

Are you as responsible as Tanisa?
Apakah kamu sama bertanggung jawabnya Tanisa?

Is instructor as kind as headmaster?
Apakah instruktur sama baiknya dengan kepala sekolah?

Thank you so much,
Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Writing: Simple Present Tense

Dear all,

Complete the sentence below!
  1. I ... a student.
  2. Linda ... a beautiful singer.
  3. My teachers ... humble.
  4. You ... a football player.
  5. Rindra and Lisna ... dancers in Solo Dance Company.

Arrange into good sentence!

  1. studies - mathematics - in - this class - Linda.
  2. buy - some - markers - we.
  3. magazine - they - do not - read - library - in.
  4. hot tea- makes - mother.
  5. does not - like - Rini - mango.

Thank you so much,
Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Passive Voice: Simple Present Tense

Dear all,

I'm very happy to share my knowledge about English here again.
I hope think same with me happy to learn English here anymore.

A: I borrow your book.
P: Your book is borrowed by me.

A: You sell some ducks.
P: Some ducks are sold by you.

A: We repair this red car.
P: This red car is repaired by us.

A: They drink iced-tea.
P: Iced-tea is drunk by them.

A: He sings pop song.
P: Pop song is sung by him.

A: She eats many bananas.
P: Many bananas are eaten by her.

A: Active Sentence
P: Passive Sentence

Thank you so much,
Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Master Listening Skill

Hello everybody,

Nice to see you again in this blog.
Some days ago, one of students in my school asked me how to master English, especially in listening skill. I explained him about that.
The ways of mater listening skill are:
  1. Listen English song,
  2. Listen English TV or radio program,
  3. Listen English monologue.
It will be easy if they are in MP3 format. Because you can play them in your HP and you can listen whenever and wherever you want.
Practice it.

Thank you so much,
Your English Teacher,

Darwoto, S.Pd

Article of the Day
Metode Bahasa Inggris 468 x 60