Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Noun Phrase (Frase Benda)

Senang bisa berbagi materi kepada teman-teman pengunjung. Barangkali materi yang ada di bawah ini bisa bermanfaat bagi Anda, adik-adik Anda, atau mungkin putra-putri Anda.
Yang akan saya sampaikan adalah tentang Frase benda.

Singular Noun
a glass of tea: segelas teh
a piece of chalk: sebatang kapur
a kilo of sugar: sekilo gula
a cup of coffee: secangkir kopi
a slice of cake: sepotong kue
a handful of coconut: segenggam kacang
a bowl of noodle: semangkok mie
a plate of rice: sepiring beras
a bunch of spinach: seikat bayam
a bar of chocolate: sebatang coklat

Plural Noun
two glasses of tea: dua gelas teh
three pieces of chalk: tiga batang kapur
four kilos of sugar: empat kilo gula
five cups of coffee: lima cangkir kopi
nine slices of cake: sembilan potong kue
eight bowls of noodle: delapan mangkok mie
two plates of rice: dua piring nasi
three bunches of spinach: tiga ikat bayam
five bars of chocolate: lima batang coklat

There is a cup of coffee.
Ada secangkir kopi.

There are two glasses of tea.
Ada dua gelas teh.

There is a a kilo of sugar.
Ada sekilo gula.

There are three bunches of spinach.
Ada tiga ikat bayam.

Latihan Soal:
Complete the sentence below with the correct "to be"!
  1.  ... there two kilos of sugar?
  2. There ... a bar of chocolate.
  3. There ... not any plates of rice.
  4. How many plastics ... there?
  5. There ... five cups of coffee on the table.
Arrange the sentences below into good sentences!
  1. bar - a - of - there - is - chocolate
  2. nine - there - slices - of - are - cake
  3. of - there - one - is - glass - juice
  4. of - there - is - a - kilo - rice
  5. two - there - are - pieces - of - paper

Selamat mencoba!

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